Thursday, June 28, 2007

Why CUF?

Catholics United for the Faith (CUF) is an international lay organization dedicated to proclaiming and teaching the Catholic faith. Since 1968, CUF has offered much-needed doctrinal and spiritual assistance to those who have turned to us for reliable information as to what the Church really teaches. CUF has also provided a courageous, unified voice for lay Catholics who are committed to the person and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Tens of thousands of CUF members, individually and organized as chapters, have been leaders in evangelization and sound catechesis—at home, in schools and parishes, and in the public square—providing a much-needed leaven in today’s society.

Faithful to the direction and authority of the Pope and the Magisterium, CUF members have no agenda other than to “support, defend, and advance the efforts of the teaching Church.” Following the rich teaching of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and the blueprint for lay organizations provided by Pope John Paul II , CUF emphasizes the following principles:

(1) The first and fundamental call of every Christian to holiness.

(2) The responsibility of professing the Catholic faith as loyal sons and daughters of the Church.

(3) The witness to a strong and authentic communion with the Pope—the Vicar of Christ on earth—and with the local bishop.

(4) Conforming to and participating in the Church’s apostolic goals, especially the “new evangelization.”

(5) The commitment to authentic human development in keeping with the God-given dignity of every human person, especially those who are most vulnerable.

Now more than ever, those of us who love Christ and His Church, those of us who want to evangelize our culture, those of us who want to live the teachings of Vatican II—particularly the call to holiness—need to stand together and be counted. CUF gives corporate expression to these godly aspirations of Catholic men and women throughout the world.

For more information on CUF, including how to become a member of CUF and more specific information regarding our various outreaches and materials, visit

Of particular interest might be the following exchange between CUF’s founder, H. Lyman Stebbins (1911-89), and C.S. Lewis, prior to Mr. Stebbins’ conversion to the Catholic Church:

Lyman Stebbins aptly sums up what CUF is all about in CUF original “Declaration of Purpose,” published in September 1968:

“We . . . wish to affirm our unshakable loyalty to the Pope, and thus to the Church, and thus to Christ. We are convinced, moreover, that this affirmation can and should be heard from many voices, that it must ring through the Church and the world.”