Thursday, June 28, 2007

What about the bishops?

CUF has been a leader in defending the office of the bishop. The bishops’ role as legitimate successors of the Apostles is a basic point of Catholic teaching. This surely needs to be explained patiently and carefully to all, especially to those who accept Christ in some fashion, but who do not accept a visible, hierarchical Church.

But there’s much more to it. How do we live this teaching, especially in the midst of scandals, when we think our bishop or pastor is part of the problem or perhaps isn’t doing as much to “clean up the Church” as we might think he should?

That’s where CUF’s wisdom and experience comes into play. We have published extensive articles and tracts on this subject through the years. Here are links to a sampling of these resources:

In addition, a few years ago we published the book Servants of the Gospel, a collection of essays by prominent U.S. bishops such as Cardinal George, Archbishops Chaput, Myers, and Burke, and Bishops Bruskewitz, Carlson, and Tobin on various aspects of the episcopal office. This book was used as a resource by the Synod of Bishops in Rome as it deliberated upon the role of the bishop in the Church today.

I realize that all the teaching and articles in the world is one thing, and applying it in real-life situations is another. We strive to practice what we preach, manifesting this positive, respectful approach in our extensive interactions with Church leaders in the U.S. and the Vatican.

But even more, especially through our Catholic Responses department, we provide practical, pastoral assistance to members in appropriately addressing their concerns.